
How Much Money Would You Like To Save?

By November 26, 2019 December 7th, 2021 dental, Teeth Health

Did you know that your friendly neighborhood dentist is in the business of saving you money? Yes, it’s true. We love it when we catch things that are small and relatively inexpensive as opposed to delivering expensive treatment plans to those playing catch-up.

low cost of dentistry

Staying away from us, in no way saves you money. Avoidance costs BIG TIME.  Every week we see numerous patients who haven’t been to the dentist for several years. Often, they are driven by pain to reluctantly seek a dentist. When they finally decide to get established, the needed care is often many times more costly than the regular maintenance would have been.

I guess the catch-up maintenance on your car would be quite expensive, or spendy as I hear them say out here in Oregon. Skip 5 or 10 years of oil changes and tune-ups and you could be in for thousands of dollars in repairs.

Let’s avoid that.  How about we keep your repair costs down while maximizing health and function. Coming in for regular cleanings and exams do just that.

Changing the environment your teeth live in is also an important way to save you money. There are inexpensive ways to make you an inhospitable host to the cavity bacteria. Our environmental arsenal consists of prescription fluoride toothpaste and xylitol products. This provides the one-two punch to eradicate colonies that want to wreak havoc on your investments.

Another thing that gets costly is health problems in general. Chronic infections, like those in the mouth, cause inflammation and every disease cascade is influenced by how much inflammation is present.

The above photo is a great illustration of sequential expenditure.  The pennies on one side show minimal cost just as the opposite side shows great expense. The question is, where do you want to fall on this spectrum. Even without insurance, it is much less costly to pay for regular cleanings than to avoid them for years until you have insurance. Insurance may be like a minuscule “coupon” towards a portion of what could be needed.  Dental insurance almost never pays for a large treatment plan.  You may only get a benefit for some of the work during a benefit year. What happens when you wait until the next benefit year to get more work done? Remember, the more cavities grow, the more expensive the treatment.

You have all heard the term, “you have to spend money to make money” right? Well, the same is true, in a way, with dentistry. Even if you spend a little money (in maintenance), you will make (save) yourself money with less expensive treatment costs. Even a small filling, caught early is nothing, cost-wise, to the expense of needing a root canal and crown when not caught and treated early. Simple cleaning is minimal to the cost of dealing with periodontal disease and root planing and scaling.


Call us today, let us help you save money now.

Schedule a $99 Cleaning, Digital X-Rays & Dental Exam