
Oral Health in the Pandemic

By July 20, 2020 December 7th, 2021 oral health


We have all been affected by the recent pandemic Covid-19. The impact on all of us has been significant. We were closed for two long months. We are ecstatic to be back and seeing all your faces again.

Oral health is very easy to take for granted. Why is that? It is because oral infections can get bad before they cause pain and get your attention. By then there is a substantial amount of systemic inflammation.

oral health in the pandemic

It is well known that inflammation in the body makes you more susceptible to Covid-19. We have all heard that high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, smoking, increase your chances of having a tough time getting through COVID. You can add dental disease to that. In particular, gum disease can set you up for a bad ride on that train. The surface area of the inside of your mouth is equivalent to the surface area of the skin on your arm. How weak would your immune system be if fighting an infection on the whole surface of your arm? You would be pretty compromised for something to swoop right in and take advantage of you. I have heard of people being sick with a fever for 6-7 weeks. You would definitely have a hard time fighting this.

What can you do about this? Well, for one, reduce all the inflammation that you can. Get your whole body healthy. If you have oral health issues, get them fixed. Especially, if you have periodontal disease. Get your scaling and root planning done and get yourself into remission with your gum disease. Floss, floss and more floss. We use a mouthwash that has a little peroxide in it to reduce bacterial and viral load when you come see us. I think it would be a good idea for everyone who goes out in public to start doing this as it would help reduce viral load along with the mask mandate.

It has been shown that consuming alcohol lowers/weakens your immune system. Umm, that is a no brainer. Eating healthy and supplementing with certain nutrients can improve your health and subsequent immune system. We here are doing all these things and more to stay healthy for our families and to be able to care for all of you.

We strongly encourage you to do everything in your power to stay healthy and resilient during this time..

Book your dental appointment today!