
Cleaning Your NightGuard

Tips on how to clean your nightguard

Your dental office made you a custom-fabricated nightguard, now how do you clean it properly? 

You should rinse your night guard every morning when you remove it from your mouth and lightly scrub it with a toothbrush (water only to avoid scratching with abrasive toothpaste) to get rid of any remaining plaque. Then make sure it is completely dry before storing it in a container. Storing the night guard in a moist location will encourage bacteria growth. 

This is how your nigh guard looks like

At least once a week you could deep clean your night guard. Put your night guard in a bowl of water and add a tablet of denture cleaner and let it dissolve completely. If you don’t have any denture cleaner then you could mix some mouthwash with water and let the mouth guard soak in the mixture for about 30 minutes.

Lastly, you could bring your night guard along with you to your dental cleanings and ask us to clean it for you. Another reason why it is beneficial to bring your night guard to your appointments is so that we can inspect your night guard and make sure it still fits properly and can make adjustments if needed.