
Lasers are not just for space movies!

By December 13, 2019 December 7th, 2021 dental, Dental Lasers

The hygienist has just told you that you need a deep cleaning. You say “ok” and head up to the desk where a kind insurance and scheduling specialist will help you with your treatment plan and appointment needs. You look at the cost and think “wow, why does that cost so much?” The difference between you and someone who gets just “a regular cleaning” is that you have an active inflammatory disease known to affect many-body systems. The first line of defense in getting you to remission and stability is the “deep cleaning” otherwise known in clinical terms as scaling and root planing. To keep you in a state where the disease is inactive, you will need to be seen every 3 to 4 months to intercept the colonization of these pathogens.

dental lasers

I am often asked by frustrated patients “why do I keep getting cavities when I brush and floss?” I am forced to respond with “we need to change the environment”. Most people struggle with either gum disease or cavities, few suffer from both. As stated in previous blogs, both types of bacteria are transmissible. We are not born with the bacteria, we acquire it. Prescription fluoride is great at remineralizing weak enamel, while xylitol starves cavity bacteria. This one-two punch is a very economical way to protect your investments and keep from re-infection.

Well, what about gum disease? Scaling and root planing remove hard bacterial build-ups, like mouth barnacles. What else can be done to further change the environment? I would recommend laser bacterial reduction. This service is now being planned after you have had your deep cleaning series and is done with your 1 st periodontal maintenance appointment. Studies show when used in conjunction with SRP (deep cleaning) LBR (laser bacterial reduction) results in improvements shown in pocket depths, attachment levels, and decreased bleeding points.

LBR is a painless and noninvasive procedure that takes the hygienist about 10 minutes to complete. During the procedure your hygienist uses a laser to go around the “pockets” or tissue surrounding the teeth and spray laser energy into the sulcus, killing bacteria. The SRP or “deep cleaning” kills inactive bacteria and removes tartar below the gum line. The laser kills the live bacteria. These procedures work synergistically to create the best possible outcome for the patient. Laser bacterial reduction also stimulates the periodontal tissues, making them more resistant to infection.
LBR when used early before pockets get out of control, can help prevent the need for referral to a periodontist. We aim to intercept the disease process by treating patients before pockets get to 5mm or
greater than continue to bleed, do not reduce or do not respond to treatment.

The complications that can arise as a result of gum disease (periodontal disease) are bone loss, tooth loss, and even heart disease. As part of your health care team, our goal is to help get you as healthy as we can.