With sensitive teeth, you may eat, chew, drink, and breathe differently to avoid feeling sharp pains. That’s no way to live! Let our dentists help you and restore your teeth back to being strong and shielded from hot and cold. As soon as you experience heightened sensitivity in one or more of your teeth for longer than three days, get an evaluation from Contemporary Family Dentistry. We can investigate the problem, determine its cause, and measure its extent. Then, we can effectively treat tooth sensitivity to eliminate pain.
With our help, you don’t have to live with sensitive teeth forever! Once we determine that your pain is not from a fracture or a cavity, we can carry out one of a few different types of treatments for sensitive tooth. We may recommend a solution as simple as using desensitizing toothpaste, or applying fluoride (professionally or at home) to the exposed areas of your tooth. These solutions can reduce pain and strengthen your enamel over time.
If those looking for sensitive tooth remedies by themselves are inadequate to relieve tooth sensitivity, we may elect to perform dental bonding. We can apply a bonding resin to the exposed area of the tooth to protect it from hot and cold elements. Or, if sensitivity comes from a receded gum line, a surgical gum graft can take tissue from elsewhere in your mouth and attach it to the affected site. A gum graft
remedies exposed roots and solve sensitivity. Maintaining oral health with our help can prevent future sensitivity from occurring. See more details here.