
How long for gums to heal after quitting smoking?

Are you a smoker and suffering from gum diseases? You can heal your gums by quitting smoking, but it cannot happen overnight. You will have to follow a specific oral hygiene routine.

First, we will discuss the dental problems a smoker is likely to face:

Gum diseases

Smokers are more likely to have gum diseases. The most common gum disease among smokers is periodontitis. They suffer from these dental problems due to the continued existence of bacteria in their mouth.

In periodontitis, there appears a gap between the gums and teeth. The bacteria creeps in and damages the bone holding the teeth. It can result in permanent tooth loss.

Smokers also go through gingivitis, in which gums bleed and appear red. Gums also lose their firmness. Healthy gums have a pink color and firm grip on teeth.

Tooth discoloration

Smokers generally have discolored teeth. Their teeth turn yellow or yellowish-brown over time. It gives them an ugly appearance.

The reason behind the discolored teeth of smokers is the consumption of nicotine or tar. These elements damage the teeth’ enamel and expose the soft part. It makes it easier for the bacteria to attack the teeth and stain them.

Dry mouth 

Smokers generally have a dry mouth which is ideal for the growth of oral bacteria. Saliva plays a crucial role in the elimination of bacteria. It sweeps away the leftover food particles, reducing the chances of cavity formation and gum diseases.

Bad breath

People generally find it inconvenient to communicate with smokers due to their bad breath. It results from the unceasing existence of bacteria in their mouth. The lingering bacteria react with cigarette smoke and make the breath unbearable.

Oral cancer

Smokers are highly likely to suffer from oral cancer. Studies have found that smokers have 10 percent more chances of having this deadly disease. These studies also suggest that they are more likely to die from it.

How long for gums to heal after quitting smoking?

You cannot dream of seeing overnight results when you quit smoking due to persistent gum problems. It will take time and an excellent oral hygiene routine. Your immune system weakens due to smoking. It damages the ability to fight bacteria and heal quickly.

When you quit smoking to improve the health of your gums, it can take one year to see the improvements.

How to take care of dental health as a smoker?

Cigarette smoke contributes to the growth of oral bacteria. A smoker needs to be extra careful about his oral health than a non-smoker. Below is the oral hygiene routine that can save smokers from painful dental problems:

  • He needs to brush regularly, at least twice a day. It effectively curbs the growth of oral bacteria.
  • He also needs to make flossing a part of his oral care routine. It helps remove the food particles stuck between the teeth.
  • Regular dental visits are also a must for a smoker. It prevents the complications resulting from an unhygienic routine.

Teeth whitening for smokers

As a smoker, you may want to restore the whiteness of your teeth. There are a few teeth whitening procedures that can help you. 

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening immediately restores the beauty and shine of your teeth. You need the help of your dentist for laser teeth whitening. He applies a gel to your teeth and then uses the laser to heat that gel. 

Over-the-counter products

You can also use teeth whitening toothpaste and mouth rinse to remove stains from your teeth. But this process does not produce quick results. It is also not guaranteed that you will get the desired results.

You can use a mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide. It proves effective in eliminating stubborn stains. 

How to quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is a challenging task. You must have a solid resolve to give up this bad habit. Besides, you also need the help of your friends and family members in it. 

Below are the tips that can prove helpful in quitting smoking: 

Seek help

A company of good friends can encourage you to give up smoking. In contrast, quitting smoking becomes nearly impossible if your friend circle comprises smokers. Sitting among smokers induces an irresistible desire to smoke once again.

Avoid triggers

To quit smoking, you must curb the triggers that push you to smoke. You can do so by keeping yourself engaged and staying productive. It keeps you in high spirits, preventing the need to smoke to dispel depressing thoughts.

Setbacks are inevitable

If you face setbacks in your struggle to quit smoking, don’t be discouraged by it. Failure is part of the journey. It doesn’t mean that you need to give up on your goals. 

In the end, smoking is hazardous for your dental and overall health. You must quit it immediately to curtail the damage. After quitting smoking, follow a strict oral care routine and regularly visit your dentist to get the best results.