
Teeth Alignment in Bend, Oregon

By November 25, 2020 Smile

Many people think of aligned teeth as a cosmetic need, but in fact, there are important health reasons for aligning your teeth correctlyChronic gum infections may result from misaligned teeth where food particles are trapped beneath or between the gums. If you have regular protective fluoride treatments, fluoride cannot penetrate the hard-to-reach areas of misaligned or overcrowded teeth.


Tooth Alignment Issues

  • Crowded teeth: teeth don’t have enough space to fit comfortably in the jaw
  • Gapped teeth: gaps between teeth can teeth to shift or abnormal jaw growth
  • Crossbite: the upper and lower jaws are misaligned
  • Overbite: the upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth
  • Underbite: the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth
  • Open bite: some teeth can’t make contact with their opposite teeth 

How to Correct Teeth Alignment

Teeth alignment is typically corrected through two methods: braces or aligners. In some cases, contemporary braces may be more appropriate to address your orthodontic needs and budget. Clear aligners, on the other hand, provide gentle, discreet teeth alignment in less time than traditional braces.

Contemporary Braces

Contemporary braces focus on the front 6-8 teeth, which means that alignment is typically much faster than full orthodontic braces. If your front teeth are crowded, mildly gapped, rotated, or protruding, contemporary braces may be the simple solution you need to correct your teeth alignment.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are an excellent alternative to brackets and wires and resemble a mouthguard. They are a  series of custom-molded trays created specifically for your mouth. Throughout your treatment, you will wear these trays for 20-22 hours per day, taking them out only to brush, floss, eat and drink anything other than water.  Each tray is worn for two weeks and then switched out for the next tray.

Get the best Teeth Alignment in Bend, Oregon!